Yet another fantastic day. I began the day with a quick browse through some local sites near the city, that were rather quiet. This handsome male Eastern Black- eared Wheatear was very attractive in the clear early morning sun:
I headed with Asaf to Yotvata. As we drove into the fields, we noticed the same Pallid Harrier from yesterday, but this time perched on a better branch (not on a sprinkler like yesterday). It was so friendly and let us get very close. I waited patiently for it to get used to us and do some interesting stuff. For a long time it just sat there, looking and listening:
And then it decided to take off. I was lucky to get these shots. what a stunning bird! It really made my week.
In the afternoon I led a tour to the KM19 sewage farm, which was pretty quiet but the pair of Little Crakes continued to show very well, and we had a male Namaqua Dove and several brief Dead Sea Sparrows.
Shots that I only dream about. Brilliant.