Monday, November 21, 2011

Hula Festival days 1 & 2

The first two days of the Festival have been awesome. A smooth take off with lots of smiling faces, great weather and fantastic birding. Was very happy to meet many old friends and many new ones from Europe and USA. I am leading one of the groups for the whole week; we have a very exciting program that I am really looking forward to.
And to the birds we saw - it has been truly awesome. We had some birding experiences to remember, such as 30,000 cranes coming to land on our heads practically. Yesterday we had a rather short intro tour, but today we had a full day in the Valley and had lots of good birds. In fact we saw almost all the specialties we planned, and added a few good birds. Hightlights for me were Saker (a huge, pale adult), Ruddy Shelduck, White-fronted Goose, the family of Black-winged Kites (2 adults and 4 juveniles), lots of Caucasian and Siberian Stonechats, Citrine Wagtails, Little Bitterns, Moustached Warblers, White-headed and Ferruginous Ducks, and the list goes on and on.
Stay tuned for my next updates!

0.0049% of 30,000 Eurasian Cranes:

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