This morning saw me surveying Great Bustards again. We worked at Cuatro Lugares, further north. This is a diminishing site, with numbers very low there now. We had just three males there and a few more females. The future looks pretty grim there. A few more Little Bustards today, both sandgrouse, Golden Eagle etc.
In the afternoon headed down towards Merida where I am staying with a friend outside of Merida. In the evening we went to have a quick look at the Lesser Yellowlegs now present for a couple of weeks at Embalse de Alange. We got onto the bird quickly - great bird! And another species I was not expecting to see in Extremadura. Unfortunately we arrived there after sunset so light was shit - this is a terrible phonescoped shot:
Only my second-ever in the WP. I saw the 2nd for Israel back in 2008.
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