Wow, this Novembers' massive attack doesn't end! This morning got a call from Avner Rinot, asking me to send out and RBA message. "What do you have?" -"Eye-browed thrush at the JBO!". In 20 seconds I was in the car heading through heavy traffic into Jerusalem. I met Avner and we started searching for the bird in the Rose Garden near the JBO. Initially Avner had good views of the bird together with two other birders, but it was flushed by a jogger and was not seen since. The area of suitable habitat is large and cover very dense, so searching for this mobile and shy bird was very difficult. After about an hour Avner and myself had very brief views of the bird in flight, being chased by a Blackbird, but that was it. The bird disappeared into a hedge and never came out. It was searched for by a few other guys who arrived after us, but they saw nothing. Hopefully it sticks around for a few days and performs a bit better.
Amazingly, it was at exactly the same area as the previous bird in Nov 2007 which was the 2nd for Israel, making this the 3rd national record! Perhaps this bird also comes in for a drink at the JBO pond and gets ringed?
Other birds seen during the morning were many Hawfinches, two Siskins, one Siberian Stonechat and lots of common stuff.
Wonderful blog Yoav. Always comming up with birds I have never heard of or only dream about.