Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is the end, my friend

Yesterday I officialy ended my spring 2010 season by visiting my last Nizzana atlas box. It was actually pretty good with lots of common birds and some good stuff too, but it was bloody hot and activity ended pretty early. This time I really tried to get some images but the bird just did not cooperate and I didn't manage to get a decent shot even of a bloody Crested Lark. Goodies included three flyover Temminck's Larks, many Hill Sparrows, and several Spectacled Warblers.
I suspect that from now on my blog posts will become more rare, as we are entering the long, hot and boring summer. Luckily autumn migration should begin by early July with the first shorebirds returning south and things will speed up then.


  1. Look forward to the next posts Yoav. Keep them coming. Steve

  2. Hi Yoav, what a pity, the pic were beautiful

  3. Guys, don't worry, I was just being dramatic. I will do my best to produce more posts and images in the near future. For instance, I am planning a seawatching trip to Eilat next week and some other stuff, so stay posted.
