What an excellent day this was. In the morning I checked Baths of Aphrodite, mainly inside the caravan park. It was alive with migrants - not huge numbers on the ground but cool stuff and some cooperative birds. Highlights were Barred Warbler, 6 Collared Flycatchers, 5 Wood Warblers, and good movement of hirundines out towards Akamas Peninsule - I assume from there next stop is SW Turkey. It's a lovely site - backdrop against the sea, Cyprus Junipers on the steep slopes - really enjoyable. eBird checklist here.
I was wondering whether their niche extends down to the coast - well it does:
Collared Flycatchers - all 2cy males
Wonderful Warbler
Whinchat - female
Whinchat - male
Spotted Flycatcher
Several pairs of Cyprus Wheatear breed at the caravan park. Check out this neat male:
I was wondering whether their niche extends down to the coast - well it does:
In the afternoon we did a family walk in Paphos Forest, mainly around the Mouflon enclosure at Stavros tis Psokas and nearby Selladi Tou Stavrou. Beautiful scenery but I think that the cold weather reduced bird activity (modest eBird checklist here). Two out of three target subspecies were seen: Cyprus Coal Tits were quite active but never descended from treetops; a couple of dorotheae Short-toed Treecreepers showed quite well by the cafe at Stavros tis Psokas; no sign of crossbills.
Orchis troodi (endemic) - thanks Matt for ID
Red Admiral
In the evening, back at our accommodation, Cyprus Scops Owl became very vocal after dusk. One individual sat on our chimney and sang so beautifully. I sound-recorded him from the living room through the fire place - quite cool...
While writing this he still is out there, doing his double-hoot. Goo-hood night.
Another great post! That Collared Flycatcher is a cracker.