This morning I monitored a couple of reservoirs a bit south of the center. Both were ugly, plastic-coated so I had low expectations for quality. The first, Negba, was indeed fairly quiet. When I arrived at the second, Sderot, I initially saw lots of Shoveler and Mallard. I started scanning, and in the middle of the first scope view was a diminutive goose - boom! With a tiny bill, yellow eyering, huge white forehead it was clearly a Lesser White-fronted Goose! I was very pleased with myself, got the news out and obtained some documentation, as it swam happily, at relatively decent distance with ducks and coots:
Digiscoped through Swarovski TAX85
Digiscoped through Swarovski TAX85
However, after a while I became 'worried' that it could be the same individual from Mash'en reservoir (that I saw there just a few days ago), which is 18km away, as the goose flies. I had to shoot off to a meeting, but a friend (Shlomi) checked Mash'en later on and couldn't find the goose there. Therefore, 'my' goose is most likely the same individual. Slightly disappointing, yet this is still a great bird (about 10 records in Israel), and I did enjoy the thrill of 'self-finding' it.
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