So while my mates had a great day seawatching off Norfolk, I behaved like I was a grown-up and headed to London to participate in the joint OSME / BOC winter meeting at the Natural History Museum. It was in fact my first visit to the museum but I had very little time to explore - was slightly delayed arriving because of heavy security causing huge queues. Couldn't ignore this rather sad-looking Dodo - what an incredible bird.
Dinosaur sp.
I talked about bird monitoring in Israel, and was very impressed by all the monitoring efforts and activities presented by other speakers. Was especially moved by the talk by legendary Richard Porter about the great work done in Iraq. In this image OSME council members Rob Sheldon (chairman) and Nick Moran pay their respect to Mr. Porter:
Cheeky! We were sharing Richard's fabulous insights into bird conservation in Iraq in real time with absent OSME members and other interested parties out there in the Twittersphere :)